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Child Abuse


The parent or caretaker may not have intended to hurt the child, the injury is not an accident. It may however, been the result of over-disciplines or physical punishment that is inappropriate to the child's ages. .
             Sexual Abuse is the inappropriate sexual behavior with an adult to a child. It includes fondling a child's genitals, making the child fondle the adult's genitals, intercourse incest, rape, sodomy, and sexual exploitation. To be considered child abuse these acts have to be committed by a person responsible for the care of a child (for example a baby-sitter, a parent, or a day care provider) our related to the child. If a stranger commits these acts, it would be considered sexual assault and handled solely by the police and criminal courts. .
             Children are affected horribly by child abuse. It ruins their lives. Child abuse is on a steady rise in the United States. Between the year 1986 and 1993 the number of reported child abuse incidents doubled for 1.4 million to 2.8 million (Shengold, Leonard, Soul Murder p. 234). In 1994, over 3 million children were reported for child abuse and neglect to child protective service agencies in the United Sates (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). .
             According to a 1994 survey, physical abuse represented 21% of confirmed cases, sexual abuse 11%, neglect 49% and emotional maltreatment 3% (U.S. Department of Health & Human Services). Only half of these incidents are reported to law officials. .
             This issue is very important to our society today. In a persons lifetime he/she will more .
             than likely know someone who has been abused. Many child abuse incidents occur, but often times they are not reported by the child. Some may think that it would be easy for a child to report that a loved one is abusing them, but actually the child is afraid of disappointing their parent. Even when a child does decide to report and abusive parent, there is no guarantee that they will receive any punishment for the judicial system.

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