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Soul Searching


The steps that will need to be hurdled are seen through the eyes of a goddess.
             Psyche represents everything that is rooted in the human soul. Like Eve, she is responsible for determining a man's worth and purpose. If she fails, she will not only fail herself but she will also fail mankind. The idea that you are the originator of your own triumph and failure alludes to the confused state of mind that the speaker is in. There is a yearning to release the carefree child like state that is at the core of every person's soul. As the narrator continues on he begins to liberate himself: .
             I see, and sing, but my own eyes inspired.
             So let me be thy choir, and make a moan.
             Upon the midnight hours. (Keats 879).
             The narrator is at a point where he needs to be heard. All of society has lost its faith and he is there to regain his. His worship can only exist in his mind where there is a lot untouched. Keats is able to describe that untouched regions of the mind with such vigor and intensity. It compels the desire to dig deeper into the mind to reveal all contours within.
             In Greek Mythology, Psyche means butterfly and like the butterfly the poet is allowing the freedom of his imagination to carry him wherever the breeze will take him. The use of vibrant colours and powerful words create a feeling of anxiety that can only be experienced as you learn to willingly expand your capabilities. Like the butterfly, there are different stages of transformation that take place throughout ones life and they can have a direct impact on decisions and life choices. It is when these choices are made that we come to realize the ultimate change that allows the human spirit to develop and blossom into something that is greater. A soul experience will bring the conscience to a higher level of connection, which can be positive or negative. Psyche is the ultimate archetypal figure that is common to the human experience.

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