Hope is a desire accompanied by expectation of fulfillment and gives promise for .
One poem about hope called "Hope Is the Thing with Feathers" is written by .
Emily Dickenson. The other one called "Hope" is written by Lisel Mueller. In these two .
poems hope is given concrete characteristics. Although these two poems are different, .
they share similarities as well.
In the poem by Emily Dickenson "the thing with feathers" and "perches in the .
soul" indicates that hope is compared to a bird. In the second stanza hope exists even in .
the storm. The author feels that hope can easily be lost because hope does not depend on .
the circumstance, it depends on the person inside. The words at the end of each line .
rhyme in a distant way.
In the poem by Lisel Mueller hope is being compared to a bird, it simply is a .
concrete thing itself. Hope occurs in everything from darkness to the eyes on a potato. .
Hope is a unique gift to humans because it cannot be destroyed. Repetition and imagery .
are present. This is a lyric poem. Even though the words do not rhyme, every line has the .
same beat.
These poems are similar in that they both describe hope as something that is .
concrete. They are both full of imagery. Hope exists in everything according to these .
poems. Mueller's poem is more successful because it explains and describes hope in .
detail and more distinctly. Hope is something that both authors use to bring assurance and .
optimism. .