What is the bill of rights? It's exactly what it means, a .
Certain rights that need to be enforced and .
protected are all the bill of rights is. The bill of rights is .
the first ten amendments to the constitution. Each right in the .
bill of rights is as important to the next. Even though some of .
the rights are out of date, they still need to be enforced. As .
Thomas Jefferson once said, "Our principles are founded on the .
immovable basis of equal right and reason." Those are inspiring .
words from the principal author of the constitution and one of .
the fore fathers of the United States of America. Equal right, .
for all man, was not seen until the 13th amendment. But now it .
applies to all men, women, and children no matter what color .
their skin, what race, and what religion. With the bill of .
rights, everyone in the U.S.A. is protected. The 9th amendment .
deals with the natural rights of everyone. These natural rights .
include life, liberty, and property.
The first amendment to the constitution stops congress from .
restricting freedom of religion, speech, and press. It also .
protects the right to peacefully assemble and petition. Many .
times congress has passed laws that limit freedom of speech and .
press and they claimed it was, "In the public interest." Among .
these are the Alien and Sedition Acts, the Smith Act, and the .
McCarran Act. The second amendment states that people have the .
right to have guns to protect "the security of a free state." .
Some people claim that "the people" refers to individual .
citizens therefore saying they have the right to own a firearm.
The third amendment says that soldiers in times of peace .
cannot be housed in a person's home without their consent. In .
modern times this issue of soldiers in private houses is not .
applicable. The fourth amendment to the constitution states that .
police, or anyone, cannot search your house without a warrant. .
Police need a search warrant to search your home, person, or .