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Immigration in the Us


             the number of aliens of any nationality admitted to the United States.
             in a year could not exceed three percent of the number of foreign-born.
             residents of that nationality living in the United States. It would.
             seem that the number would be quite small, however, the year was 1919.
             and the majority of the U.S. population was foreign born. In 1924, the.
             basic immigration quotas were changed to a system based on the.
             desirability of the different nationalities. A congressional act of.
             1943 repealed the laws keeping the Chinese from entering the United.
             (Microsoft Bookshelf Encyclopedia) One will probably agree that it is.
             important that every nation controls the flow of people who enter and.
             exit. To this extent, the United States has an agency which controls.
             and regulates these events. The Immigration and Naturalization Service.
             will determine how many people may enter, seek employment, and settle.
             within the U.S. Territory without altering the opportunities for U.S.
             Citizens or Permanent Residents to develop their own lives. The INS.
             agency of the United States Department of Justice is empowered to.
             administer federal laws relating to the admission, exclusion,.
             deportation, and naturalization of aliens. The agency investigates the.
             qualifications of applicants for citizenship and provides public.
             schools with materials required for educating candidates for.
             citizenship. Another duty of the INS is to patrol the borders of the.
             United States to prevent the illegal entry of aliens. The agency also.
             registers aliens residing in the country. ( Encarta Encyclopedia.
             article on immigration, http://www.usdoj.gov/ins ) Before a person can.
             apply for Citizenship in the United States, one has to be a lawful,.
             permanent resident for five years. In the case of permanent residency.
             that has been acquired through marriage to a U.S. citizen the time of.
             residency is reduced to three years before an application for.
             citizenship can be made assuming the person continues to be married to.

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