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Philosophy and the Meaning of Life


How much do I earn each day? What do I do for a living? How important or well-known am I? If we don't measure up in our own minds than our lives are ineffectual and not well-lived. A lawyer, for instance, may appear to have more worth than a janitor "a corporate executive with a six-figure salary might seem more meritorious than an elementary school teacher. "I am sure that the first thing we must do is face the truth, however bleak it may be, and then next we have to learn to live with it."" (Stace) But are these things actually facts or are they merely ideologies that have been shaped by our culture and ingrained in us since childhood? When we were children playing in the sandbox, did we worry about what schools our playmates went to? Did we care what color they were or what their parents did for a living? Probably not. We connected as children on a much more secular and rudimentary level. We felt that not only our lives were of value, but that the lives of others around us were of value as well. It was only with time and age that we were taught that some of us were more (or less) important than others. That some lives were better lived than others and of a greater (or lesser) worth.
             So in what ways do our lives have meaning? This is hard to estimate because "meaning- could be viewed contrarily by different individuals. A meaningful life could be one spent in service to others, such as the life of Mother Teresa. Or, a meaningful life could be the life of Jack Welsh, business tycoon and former CEO of GE. I think that a "meaningful life- is one that causes you to feel satisfied on all levels including the spiritual and physical. If you are living a life that does not bring you joy, that does not fulfill you in some way "than this is a life wasted. If you have always wanted to be a writer, and you end up as a human resources executive in a Fortune 500 company "this is an insignificant existence.

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