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Finally, in April, 1492, he was contracted by Ferdinand and Isabella of Spain (see Appendix C). The idea seemed logical. They already knew the Earth was round. There was no thought of a continent in-between, and the winds and currents all flowed West. His purpose (see Appendix D) was to find the legendary Isle Antilla, and find a western route to Cipangno and Cathay(China, Japan). Columbus demanded to be knighted, become Admiral of the Ocean Sea, be viceroy of new lands, and receive ten percent of the wealth (see Appendix E). .
             In August 3, 1492, at the port of Palos, Columbus started his first voyage (see Appendix F). The fleet of three ships (see Appendix G), sailed West under 35* North halfway, then they shifted Southwest. On October 12, 1492, they landed on Guanahaní, which Spaniards latter named San Salvador(Our Savior), (see Appendix H). He later went to Cuba, Juana, and Hispañiola (see Appendix H and I). Columbus believed it could have been a chain of islands off the coast of China or Japan. They established a colony off the coast of Hispañiola (see Appendix J). Columbus did not, however, find Asia, or what they hoped, the Spice Island Trade ports. They did come in contact with inhabitants of the islands, whom they brought back to Spain, proving they found Indians from Asia. .
             Columbus' purpose was to find a trade route to Asia, he did not achieve this. In the following three voyages, he failed to achieve the purpose. Although there were some benefits, most factors of the voyages were failures. The Western expeditions were failures. .
             The purpose of Columbus' voyages was to find a western route to the Spice Islands of what we call Japan and China, he did not accomplish this. They landed on what the Spaniards named San Salvador. Columbus knew, however, that this was an island, only he thought it was part of Japan. He also discovered Hispañiola which he thought was an Island off China.

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