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Alook at nafta


Some people argue that NAFTA is helping Canadians loose our identity. In a poll 28% of Canadians said they would move to the States if offered a higher paying job . Many Canadians are not happy with free trade because they think they only benefit large multinational companies. Canadians showed their displeasure with free trade by holding a giant protest at the summit of the Americas in Quebec City in April 2001. When NAFTA was started many jobs were lost because of the new rules. The auto industries manufacturing output shrank and the workforce declined by 400,000 jobs or 20 percent during the recession of the early 1990s . Free trade can be a burden when dealing with a much larger trading partner with different interests. The U.S.A has about ten times the population of Canada and it can be intimidating to deal with them so much and once they make a decision you may have no choice but to follow them. NAFTA has crippled the ability for the government to control business under its own jurisdiction. The Canadian government tried to pass a law restricting trading of a dangerous chemical but it went against the rules of NAFTA and the company sued the Canadian government for ten million in damages . This seems to indicate that people do not care much about leaving their homeland and culture for money so NAFTA is being blamed for the Brain drain of educated Canadians to the U.S.A. .
             It can be argued that The NAFTA pact has had a very positive impact on Canadians. This pact was created to benefit large corporations in Canada so they could compete with American companies. It was also created so large American companies could build subsidiaries plants in Canada to create jobs. Most transitional corporations are now opening and closing its doors solely on the basis of economic efficiency. Now that companies do not have to pay to import and export most products from Canada to the U.S.A. it is now more cost efficient to run a company in Canada .

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