The character of these wars was wars of peasants. The leaders of the wars didn't want any betterment on the position of religions. .
So do Chinese have the tradition on religions?.
The answer is NO.
Why? The answer is complex. Chinese has a good tradition, that they assimilate foreign culture easily. They ingested so much that they could not understand it well. They could believe in Buddha and The Emperor of Jade at the same time. It's incredible to those religions believes in the very god. But to Chinese, it's reasonable. To Chinese, all the gods are equal, no matter he or she is a native born god or a foreigner. .
Can we say that Chinese has no tradition on religions since they believed so many gods? The fact is, too much believe make no real believe. Chinese are always pragmatic in their believe. They thought that they"d better pray to more gods, you never know which will work. It shows that they never trust in one.
The US is another instance.
93% of Americans believe in God. 87% of them are Christians. 2% of them is Jewish. 4% of them believe in other religions, such as Islam, Buddhism. In the Christians, 59% is Protestants, 27% is Catholic, and 1% is Eastern Orthodox. Those Protestants are mainly the posterity from Britain, France, Germany and such western European countries. Catholics mainly came from eastern European countries, like Romania, Hungary, etc. People who believe in Eastern Orthodox mainly came from Russia. Muslim came from mid-east countries and some African countries. .
Why do so many Americans believe in God? It's because of the European tradition. As we all know, Americans are mostly the posterity of English, French, German, etc. Those countries are Christian countries ever since they were parts of Rome Empire. And the religions of Christ never break. .
The first settlers on the American mainland are British Protestants. They were persecuted in England. Their journey to the new land was actually a kind of banishment.