He has undertaken deep studies of military art. Napoleon had contributed a lot for the success of the French revolution and the reforms in the French army.
He has good quality thinking, genius, capable to identify the mission and objective of a battlefield or campaign. He has his own style of leadership and warfare and this effect on the morale of his subordinates and soldiers. These factors gave him advantages for him to carry out his strategy and tactics in the future campaigns. .
He did mention to St Halena that "I fought fourteen campaign: two in Italy, two in Africa and Asia, two in Poland and Russia, one in Spain and two in France3. With this statement Napoleon had been so proud to known as the brave had and the most great warrior.
He was a man of extraordinary qualities and at the same time suffered from extraordinary defeat. As he growth up his ambition was power, his dream was vast empire and his passion were wars and victories. With that he set his direction to win a battle and construct a new empire. With a strong believes and a firm personalities he confidently embark into the battles and campaigns.
He had involved in a series of the battles along his service in the Army. Several times he fought with allied armies, European nation states, Russia and Asia states, began from 1793 until 1815. He managed to impress himself as a good commander among the best in planning and good strategy thinkers, which he had applied in the Battle of Toulon4.
Few other battles and campaign which he involved are as below:.
a. 1793 - Battle of Toulon. .
b. 1800 - Second Italy campaign.
c. 1805 - 20 Oct - Battle of Ulm (defeat Austria), 21 Oct - Battle of .
Trafalgar and 2 Dec - Campaign of Austerlitz (defeat .
Austrians & Russians).
d. 1806 - Battle of Jena (defeated Prussian).
e. 1807 - 8 Jan - Battle of Eylau.
- 24 May - Taking of Danzig.
- 14 June - Battle of Friedland (defeated Russian).