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            Bullies have been around for quite a while.People never know what to do about them. Bullies can either be young kids at a school or grown-ups at work. Some bullies beat up younger or weaker kids, because they either want their money or just for fun. Kids never know what to do when a bully comes up to them. Kids either cry or get sad, but never stand up for themselves. .
             If I ever got picked on by a bully I would be sad and angry.It hurts to get your feelings broken or when you don't fit in.You feel terrible.You would feel very sad if you were very sencitive.My feelings would be torn apart if a bully ever picked on me.
             Well, the first thing you should do is tell him/her to stop bothering you. By doing this, it may help cool things off for a while. Sometimes it helps to talk to a person, to see what's wrong or to find out why anything is happening. Maybe you two can work things out and even be friends. A bully maybe in need of attention or help and their way of crying out is by pushing other kids around. .
             Second thing you should do is tell someone that a person is bothering you such as your teacher,yard duty or your parents. Maybe if they find that person, they'd be able to ask them to knock it off or at least talk to them. Grown-ups usually have a better way with these problems, because bullies are usually scared of older people. That's why they think it's easy to pick on "the younger crowd." You never see a small 7 year old telling a 10 year old what to do, its always the other way around. Sometimes the age doesn't matter and the bully is younger than you, it all depends on how big you are. Third, you should walk away and ignore them. Don't let them get the better of you, because you know right form wrong. Sometimes bullies are jealous of you and that's why they pick on you. By walking away you tell the bully that you don't care about them; that you're not going to listen to them or be scared of them.

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