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Brain Drain in the High-Tech Industry


             Issues: The Cause of Brain Drain.
             A recent study done by Personnel Systems, a Canadian consulting firm that specializes in human resources indicated the foremost reasons for leaving Canada for the United States are as follows:.
             - 23% of people who left for the United States believed they will receive better financial compensation.
             - 23% indicated a combination of money and better career opportunity were motivation of leaving.
             - 22% of people who left believe the U.S. has better career opportunities.
             - 32% of people who left had a variety of reason which ranged from better access to research funds, better education and health facilities.
             Source: Going, Going, Gone. Part II-Life Really is Better South of the Border,1999, 3.
             For example, in the same study produced by Personnel Systems indicated that a Senior Software Developer in the U.S. "will make nearly $80,000 U.S in total cash compensation on average"" (Hodgson 5), but "the same Developer in Vancouver would earn just over $74,000 Canadian"" (Hodgson 5). In addition, a software developer that lives in the U.S. and "owns a home can expect to keep 46% of salary as disposable income, compared to a mere 13% disposable income for the software developer in Vancouver"" (Hodgson 5). With this in mind we must realize that Canadian high-tech companies cannot compete with the U.S. for skilled workers based on salaries, but rather they must compete on other aspects employees believe are important, such as a balanced work and family life and a comfortable work environment. .
             The use of Personnel Systems surveyed data is limited to over 130 individuals. The accuracy of the responses and the statistical data may not be representative of the true amount of individuals leaving Canada and their reasons for leaving. Therefore, the results from Personnel Systems are limited to certain individuals chosen for the survey.
             To assist in the migration of Canadian workers to the United States, the U.

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