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             Abortion should be allowed.
             I want to talk about abortion, abortion is an option that I am on favor because of several reasons some of them are unwanted kid, economical problems, and a teenager that can loose a life for that child. Church's point of view of abortion is that were killing a life, a human being but that is a fetus that does not have feelings yet until you bring it to life and if you bring it to life you will hurt those feelings because you will bring that child to suffer, so what is the point of it? If at the end you will end up killing that child in a way that he will suffer since you wont love him and that is not nice.
             My reason number one is unwanted kid, there is plenty of reasons why you wouldn't want that kid like for example if the woman gets raped the woman would not want to have that baby I mean who would like to deliver a baby from someone you do not know and there is chances that you get raped by a relative and I mean that child would be a memory from what happened and that is not nice. Another reason is a child with health problems I mean if you bring that child to live you are bringing him to suffer by seeing himself different and rejected by others, and the last reason that I am exposing and is the one that most of the couples and teens face are lack of preparation from both parents they would not want that kid if they know there not ready or they just can bring another life yet not until they are stable in the relation and in the life of both of the parents.
             Reason number two is people's economical problems it is a problem that much of the couples have. Imagine this couple that can barely feed themselves how are they going to maintain a child when a kid needs four main needs: food, roof, a good education, and doctor. These needs are expensive and need to be good ones cause a bad feeding equals to sickness and that equals doctor and medicines something that if is not good your not going to cure, and the roof and the education is something that we all want for our children so if you cant afford that and you want to have the kid you will have to adjust to the consequences.

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