After World War 1, when Germany was required to pay reparations to the Allies, Hitler used this fact to try and prove to potential followers that the "true- Germans were being abused by other nations and races, and the abuse had to stop.
Going hand in hand with his lust for power was the fact that Hitler was a glutton, a sin rewarded by an eternity in the third circle of Hell. Once Hitler received some of the power he lusted after so dearly, he became even hungrier for it. Soon, he was invading countries that had not offended to him, like Belgium, simply for the sake of having more people to rule and oppress. He also began to punish people that had no place in his original ideas while he rose to power. While building the Nazi party up, Hitler talked about saving Germany from the Weimar Republic (the people in charge at the time), and he also believed in saving Germany from the Jews, whom he equated with Germany's economic ruin. By the end of his rise to power and the very beginning of the events that led up to World War 2, Hitler started a program that granted marriage licenses only to people who were able to prove that they had a "clean- background, that is, an ancestry that stood up to the Nazi party's idea of "good-. Also, Hitler decreed that all men and women who might have "unclean- offspring were to be sterilized. By 1945, over 400,000 people had been sterilized in an effort to control the next generation of Germans.
Next, he would have moved into the fifth circle of Hell, where the wrathful live. While it has never been documented what was going on in the mind of Hitler previous to and during his reign of terror in Europe, there is no arguing the fact that he was consumed by anger towards something or someone. Hitler used his anger towards his situation in life in order to promote anger and loyalty in his followers. Fate seemed to smile on him after World War 1, when many Germans were upset with the outcome of the war.