The boundaries were unfair and benefited only the colonizers, leaving the Algerians with little food, money, or resources.
Although Algerians never accepted the French invasion of their land, it took many years for them to fight it. "Decolonization is always a violent phenomenon"" (Fanon 35). Frantz Fanon felt that a violent arm struggle was the only way that Algerians could have gained back their freedom. It wasn't until 1954 that Algerian resistance began to threaten the French. Algerians won their battle and gained independence in 1962, but lost a million Algerians in the war. In 1948, Palestinians were forced off their land when European Jews forcefully took over. Israel was formed and 800,000 Palestinians were forced into refugee. Jews felt that the land of Palestine was promised to them in the Bible; however Palestinians claimed that since they had resided in the land for hundreds of years and represented the demographic majority, the land belonged to them. "Palestinians do not believe they should forfeit their land to compensate for Europe's crimes against them"" (Beinin, Hajjar 1). Palestinians who did not leave were forced to reside in the West Bank, Gaza Strip, and East Jerusalem, which only constituted 25% of their former land. This area was controlled by Jordan at the time. In 1967, a six day war began and Israel expanded their control with the occupation of the West Bank and East Jerusalem. This forced 200,000 more Palestinians into exile. Those Palestinians who remained were forced to live under strict Israeli rules. "The colors of the Palestinian flag are outlawed by Israeli military law; Fathi Gabin of Gaza, an artist, was given a six month prison sentence for using black, green, red, and white in one of his works, " (Said 20). Palestinians had no rights and were forced to live as aliens on their own soil. "Palestinians were denied many basic political rights and civil liberties, including freedom of expression, freedom of press, and freedom of political association"" (Beinin, Hajjar 11).