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Island of the Blue Dolphins


She tells him of canoes where he can get food. At first, Kerana wasn't going to go with Romo, but then decides a little while later to follow. She sees Romo lying on the ground with a pack of dogs around him. When she gets closer, she notices that two dogs have been speared, and that Romo's throat has been ripped out, and he is dead. She swears she will kill all of the dogs. .
             In her pain, of the bad memories, Kerana burns down the village. A few days later, she makes a bow and arrow, and a spear. She is a little scared of this because of a superstition that says, "Women can't make weapons". She notices that her spear was dull, so she decided to get a tooth from a sea elephant. She finds one, it's a male, but as she approaches it another younger male starts to fight. As the two goliaths clash, Kerana runs away, for fear of getting hurt or even killed. She trips, and gets a huge gash in her leg; leaving her almost unable to walk. She limps into a cave where she stays for about 7 days. Recovering from her injury, she goes back to where the sea elephants were fighting. She notices that the older one has died; she takes his teeth for her spear. She now had the weapons she needed to kill the dogs.
             A couple of weeks passed as Kerana thought out her plan to ambush the dogs. She goes to their lair, to flush them out. First one, then three more come out of the den; she doesn't kill them; she's waiting for the leader. Then the leader comes out, Kerana aims her bow, and then fires it; she hits him in the chest, fires again, but misses; he was still alive. He was gray, with yellow eyes, and much bigger than the other dogs; therefore it was proof the Aluts had brought him there. The next day she went to check on the dog, and finds that he isn't there. She follows his tracks, only to find him half dead. She feels bad for him, so she takes him to her house, she had made out of a cave and whale bones. She decides to name him Rontu.

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