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My Own Place


Groceries, electricity, water, toiletries, cleaning supplies, and my car payment were more than I had ever bargained for. Thinking that money problems would not be an issue when I moved out was a huge mistake.
             Responsibility changed tremendously after I moved out on my own. As I mentioned before, my car was about the only thing I was in charge of so responsibility was not something I was accustomed to. Cleaning and cooking were small things that once in a while I would do to help my mom out when she was really busy. Laundry was something I barely even knew how to do because my mom never made me do it. Saying that my mom did almost everything for me would be putting it lightly. Helping out around the house was kind of like an option for me so of course I always wanted to go out and have fun instead of washing dishes. Responsibility has always been important to me because I knew someday being on my own would be an issue. Someone being around that was willing to do a lot of things for me my whole life took its toll on this aspect of my life.
             Doing laundry, cooking, cleaning, and washing dishes became a regular routine for me as soon as I moved into my own place. Not that I didn't like doing all of those things, it just got kind of hard keeping up with it on top of school and work. Shortly after I moved into my apartment responsibility really sunk in and I started to realize how serious a decision I had made. Not only was I in charge of everything in my apartment, it was also my responsibility to make sure the apartment itself stayed exactly as nice as it was when I first moved in. In no time I was used to doing all the things I used to watch my mom do for me. Besides the money issue, this took a lot for me to get used to because I always had everything done for me. Time has always been an issue for me since I am a full time college student and I work as well. Finding the time to complete everything that had to be done was a job in itself.

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