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Game Day Gone Wrong


             It was the perfect Sunday for a football game. Thousands were gathered at Reliant Stadium to watch the Cincinnati Bengals take on the Dallas Cowboys. Among the members of the crowd were Adam Dompierre and Adam Kauppila. They were generally optimistic about their chances of beating the Browns. Then the kick-off came and they pretty much knew they didn't have a chance. The guys were having a pretty good time watching the game, and just before half-time, something amazing happened! The crowd looked on in astonishment as a gigantic bright light approached at a mind-boggling speed and suddenly stopped about 20 feet above the fifty yard line!.
             It split into four smaller lights and then the lights seemed to dissolve into the air. What took its place was even more astonishing: four men hovering above the ground wearing costumes, one of which was assless chaps and a rainbow colored cowboy hat. Then the biggest, strongest, ugliest member of the group yelled out, "I am Bastard Stone of the Evil Alliance! These are my evil henchman; Buffalo Tom, Stuttering Leo, and Hollywood! We have come here tonight to proclaim that we are taking over this pitiful world you have all created!".
             Just then, the alliance members started pulling out guns, one by one. First was Hollywood, he whipped it out and fired a few shots into the crowd; at first the crowd was scared but then realized he was shooting money at them. Next was Stuttering Leo, his gun looked like the biggest of all the guns. He also started shooting at the crowd but what came out was a bit unexpected, lima beans. He rained down on the crowd with this barrage of horrifically bland legumes until the crowd actually started eating them. Buffalo Tom was next in line as he started pouring a giant rainbow over the crowd, making them happy and forgetting all about the evil bad-guys lurking above the field. Then Bastard Stone moved to the front and shouted, "After I fire my music gun at you, you will all begin to hate anything and everything!" At this point, Adam and Adam were becoming quite worried and right as Bastard Stone started to fire, they sprung up from their seats and flew into the air and away from the stadium.

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