actually used chemical weapons is that troops were talking about CB alarms.
going off in their camps. CB ( chemical/biological) alarms were going off.
indicating that CB agents were present in the air. Iraq some how keept.
their use of a chemical weapon a secret until now. " I think the Iraqis were.
probably firing artillery shells or rockets with low ranges of chemicals. That.
way there wouldn't be any massive and immediate fatalities," says author.
Jeff Stein. The soldiers in the gulf just got sick over time and by then it.
was hard to tell what caused it. ("Chemical Weapons", Eui-Suk Kim).Biological Weapons.
Biological weapons contain bacteria, which can be modified to overrun.
human's immune system. Biological weapons are meant to kill people. They.
were used during W.W.I and W.W.II. It has been used up to and until the.
Gulf War, and now in Terrorism. Some countries are still trying to futhur.
develop it. The most common biological weapon is Anthrax. It's like the.
mother of all bacteria, a super bacteria, which has been proven to kill people.
within two days. It is used commonly with terrorist groups. It can be.
prevented by using a gas mask, protective gear, or vaccines. ("Chemical.
Weapons", Eui-Suk Kim).
" The plane dipped its wings, leveled off and accelerated as it.
approached its final destination, the South Tower of the World Trade.
Center," says author of The Death of the Towers. The Boeing 767 flown.
into the South Tower, was chosen for its fuel tanks and size. Each one of.
the planes that hit the towers had enough fuel to get to Los Angeles, that.
was enough fuel to cause each of the towers to melt on the inside and.
collapsed like they did. The planes were as big as they come and with 34.
rows of six seats in each row that is a lot of people times four. Osama bin.
Laden thought it was the perfect plan, but George W. Bush doesn't think so! .
("Final Words From Flight 93", U.S. News).
The Element of Surprise.