According to Kingston, the stereotype that is placed on the Asian male reveals their emasculation. The white American society has control over their status in the society and allows little opportunity for Asians, leaving them jobs that were seen as "women's work." White working men sought to maintain their "superiority" by limiting Asian men to less "masculine" forms of work. According to Sarkar, the relationships of Wallace and Pang to various white individuals, it has demonstrated this sense of emasculation. "Wallace sense of masculinity is appears stripped from him because he is physically prevented from action as a father figure to Welby. Although he attempts to spend some time with Welby on his birthday and plans to take him to a baseball game, Frank, Welby's biological father, bars him from the little boy (Sarkar)." According to Sarkar observation, this incident shows that Asian American male is being emasculated because a white man dominates over an Asian male in power and prevents him from having the ability to show his love to a child in a direct, face -to- face sense. Sarkar says that Wallace's lack of masculinity can be shown through his fear of being beaten up by Frank. Mr. Pang also faces this domination by the white figure and his masculinity is stripped off too. " He work[s] for a midsize corporation that manufactures synthetic flavors and fragrances (Louie 76)." He has a lover who is a white woman named Amanda Miller. He is told by his boss Kyoto to change the fragrance to Musk 838/Lot No19144375941-3e, "synthethtic hybrid form of natural deer and mink musks, spiced with a twist of mint (Louie 80)." The narrator tests it on Amanda, but she doesn't like it and says "it smell[s] dirty (Louie 80)." He also wants to "spike [their] food and beverages with Musk whenever Mandy was feeling amorous (Louie 81)." He uses the musk as a sexual enhance to hide his lack of virility because this "special" scent made him feel like manly and desirable traits that he doesn't have.