In the other film, Blade Runner(1982), the set design is used to set a tone for the future. For example, in the opening, all of the buildings are massive in size, and thousands of people can live and work in the same building as well as the building being dark black. The size suggest how congested the future will be and how some people could live, work, and die all in the same place without ever leaving. Another example is the inside of the Tyrell Corporation, where Holden applies the VOID-Comp test. Inside of this room we see very bland colors, as well as many small rooms which contain small tables, the only very noticeable piece in the room is the giant chairs that have "Tyrell Corp." printed on them, which show how the companies have ownership over everything. In comparison both films uses sharp angles and large towering building to convey congestion, limitations and conformity in their respective futures. Another point is that although they both use dark coloring and tones in their sets, Metropolis(1926) uses much more light colored sets which convey the bleak future just as well as the blacks and grays. In conclusion, both of these films set the tone for their visions of the future in the openings by the use of their set design.
The lighting used in both films help produce a vision of the future. In Metropolis(1926) for example, in the opening shot, there is a shot of what looks like some futuristic buildings, it is very brightly lit, when slowly a shadow creeps over the white of the building and covers the building. This symbolizes how this dark future is not too far away, as well as that something ominous will occur soon. Another lighting technique is the use of very low-key lighting in scenes with the workers. The lighting in these scenes is very low light and very toned down, this suggests how dreary it is for the workers, but also that these people have no happiness or "light" in their lives.