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Symptoms of Schizoaffective Disorder


             Mania symptoms generally involve a euphoric mood, irritability, grandiosity, decreased need for sleep, talking excessively, racing thoughts, distractibility, and increased time pursuing goals. Mania may also have negative consequences such as spending sprees, sexual indiscretions, and substance abuse (Facts about Schizoaffective Disorder).
             Symptoms of depression are depressed mood, diminished interest and pleasure, appetite and weight changes, sleep pattern changes, fatigue, feeling worthless, hopeless, helpless, or guilty for no reason, thoughts of death or suicide, lack of concentration, and indecisiveness ( Facts About Schizoaffective Disorder).
             For a patient to be diagnosed Schizoaffective there must be a psychotic period in which symptoms of schizophrenia and affective disorder are present simultaneously. During this period, the full criterion must be met for "schizophrenia and for a major depressive episode, a manic episode, or a mixed episode- (American Psychiatric Association) as set forth by the DSM-IV. The person must experience delusions or hallucinations for at least 1 month during which there must have been at "least 2 weeks- (APA) of only psychotic symptoms with out major affective symptoms. They must also experience a Major Depressive Episode for at "least 2 weeks- (APA), or a manic episode or a mixed episode "for at least a week- (APA). The major depressive episode criterion, generally met by a depressed mood or diminished interest or diminished pleasure, must be upped to a "pervasive depressed mood- (APA) because the standard criterion for a major depressive episode (a depressed mood or diminished interest or diminished pleasure) is extremely "common in a non-affective psychotic disorder- (APA). The affective symptoms must be present for a substantial amount of time of the psychotic period. To by put into the bipolar subtype the person must experience a manic episode or a mixed episode; a major depressive episode can also be experienced.

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