" Immigrants would work for cheap and would commonly replace the workers that used to labor there for more money. "Nonworking poor people are, if unable to work, to be pitied; if able to work, to be set immediately to work, and, if work is refused, severely and publicly punished." .
When the people working in those conditions started to form unions, the owners would bring in black recruits, since they needed jobs and would do them for not as much money. One Louisiana preacher exclaimed that they "were not emigrating because of inducements held to them by parties in Kansas, but because they were terrorized, robbed, and murdered by the bulldozing desperadoes of Louisiana and Mississippi." - .
From 1780-1790, skilled workers are needed, and Europeans come to US. Later, unskilled work becomes popular, and the demand rises greatly. Many people from many different countries came to satisfy the high want for jobs. The Russians made a good living off of growing wheat until Great Britain started making food, including wheat, in Australia. The need for Russian wheat didn't exist anymore, so many came to America for jobs. "The laborers and peasants of Russia, the factory-hands of England, and the common laborers of America have been fired with a vision of a new world in which their past sufferings will be replaced by a greater degree of welfare than they have yet enjoyed" .
The Chinese empire started to fall apart in the 1860's and 1870's. They wanted to have a self-contained society, so they built a wall to keep other out, but the building of it created a problem; the amount of money used made the country go broke and the Manchu Dynasty took over.
"The chief employment of a Chinaman in towns is to wash clothing. They always send a bill pinned to the clothes. It is a mere ceremony, for it does not enlighten the customer much. Their price for washing was $2.50 per dozen-rather cheaper than white people could afford to wash for at that time.