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Dream Analysis


She believes that her subconscious recognized the problem and was trying to communicate it to her. But she also says if a person has a falling dream and there is no real literal warning, the next step would be to ask what kind of metaphorical "fall" the dreamer could be concerned about: this could be anything from made up nonsense or something that you may relate to. .
             Stage two of sleep comes next. This stage involves your eyes moving from side to side. Using an EEG, psychologists have recorded that the slow alpha waves, that are present in stage one of sleep, are found to be interrupted by high frequency waves called spindles. After 20 minutes, you enter stage three which is also 20 minutes long. You are now in deeper sleep were large amplitude delta waves sweep your brain ever second or so. If you wake up from sleep right now, you would be cold because your blood pressure and body temperature is at its lowest. In stage three night terrors are present. A might terror is not a nightmare. A nightmare is just a bad dream. But a night terror on the other hand is a panic attack while you are sleeping where your heart beats really fast (100 mph) and you wake up all the sudden. When you wake up you feel very upset but you don't know why. The reason for this is because in stage three there are no images present. This can also occur in stage four.
             Stage four is considered as delta sleep or deep sleep. It is called deep sleep because it is very difficult to wake someone when they are in this stage. This stage is responsible for making a person feel rested. If you were to awaken from sleep right after delta sleep you would feel fresh and rested even though a complete cycle of sleep (90 minutes) was not finished. It is also known that a dreamer right now is in a state of oblivion. If he were to be awaken by a noise, he would feel disoriented. Sleep walking, sleep talking, and bed wetting all occur here and that is why it is know that you should not startle a person who is sleep walking because they are in stage four of sleep and will become disoriented if startled.

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