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The Beach Boys


He once hot-wired Murry's car and drove it around the neighborhood, stripping the gears. Dennis was also the son who received the worst beatings from his father because he was the most aggressive child. When Dennis was four or five he was playing with matches and when Murry caught him he burned Dennis" hands with the matches as punishment. As an adult, Dennis once said," That asshole beat the shit out of us." 2.
             The youngest Wilson son was Carl Wilson. He was born Carl Dean Wilson on December 21, 1946 in Hawthorne, California. Carl has the most pleasant memories of his childhood. Carl remembered, "We"d all sleep in the same room, and after we went to bed, Brian would sit there trying to make us laugh."3 Carl was a chubby, square-faced boy with a chip-toothed grin. He looked the most like their father Murry. He was by far the most spoiled, but like the others, was not spared the beatings. He also attended York Elementary and Hawthorne High, yet he suffered a severe case of acne as a teenager and also had problems with his weight. Dennis teased him by calling him "Porky." Carl developed a close, empathetic relationship with their mother, a relationship that Brian would always resent. As a teen, Carl was in to Rock"n"Roll, especially Little Richard and Chuck Berry. When he was twelve he decided that he wanted to play the guitar and took some lessons from a neighbor. .
             Michael Edward Love, the eldest member of the Beach Boys, was born March 15, 1941 in Los Angeles, California. Mike's father was Milton Love and his wife Glee Love was Murry Wilson's sister. Therefore, Mike was Dennis, Carl and Brian's cousin and grew up singing harmony with them. Mike was a tall, slender teenager with blue eyes and reddish-blonde hair. He was the oldest of five children and was always looked up to by his siblings and was his grandmother Edith's favorite. He was a smart, clever young man but was never very interested in school.

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