These solutions will affectivity set the groundwork for future environmental plans that will also contribute to the bettering of our environment. .
Well you are probably sitting there wondering who is going to cover the cost of planting the trees for the pollution that is created by each car purchased. It's actually very simple. The car dealership where you purchased your vehicle will be held responsible for covering the cost of planting the trees. True this might increase the cost of vehicles, which means the price is passed onto the consumer, but it will also cause dealerships to push car manufactures to produce more fuel-efficient vehicles. And by creating more fuel-efficient vehicles the air quality will also increase also causing less consumption of oil. This alone should raise your eyebrow considering cars alone account for half the oil consumed in the United States, about half the urban pollution, and one-forth of the greenhouse gases (Car Pollution). Furthermore, with the increasing price level of vehicles less will be purchased, which means fewer cars on the road to produce pollution. As for the location of the trees the Earth Conservation Council will be in charge of making those decisions along with other environmental agencies. .
214,000 acres per day: an area larger then New York City (BMC). You ask 214,000 acres of what per day. That is 214,000 acres of rainforest demolished per day. Now, if we were to implement my plan to save two acres of land for every acre of land destroyed with 214,000 acres uprooted everyday we would save 428,000 acres of land everyday. That is an amazing feat to accomplish, which would lead to 156 million acres of land saved per year, which would counter the 78 million acres of rainforest destroyed per year (BMC). Furthermore, with the conservation of our land through this plan not only would we be saving our lands but saving the lives of the 137 species of life forms that are driven into extinction everyday (BMC).