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Discrimination in any way is wrong. Discrimination is wrong because it contradicts the Constitution. The Constitution states, "All men are created equal."" Yet, during the 1700's, there was slavery of blacks in the south. Also, the Three Fifths Compromise was ratified in favor of white people, in that it states that five blacks equal three whites, which is used for representation. Hitler killed Jews because of their religion and beliefs. Catholics were also persecuted in Maryland because of their religion and beliefs. During the Revolutionary War, Americans were forced to house British soldiers at any time by Great Britain. They had no choice. It was either house the redcoats, or else they would die. And many redcoats would invite themselves into one household at one time. Sometimes, six or seven redcoats would demand food, shelter, and protection from one family. Another form of discrimination is not allowing equal rights to blacks. For example, Rosa Parks, a black woman, could not sit with whites on a bus. This led to the Civil Rights Act, but it was not passed until protest and boycotts were such big problems that something had to be done. Instead of "All men are created equal-, the Constitution should have stated, "Some white men who are a certain religion are created equal."" Discrimination is wrong because it is selfish. During the 1800's, whites bought slaves to do their work on plantations. White people were too lazy and greedy to do their own work, so they bought slaves. The slaves were treated very cruelly, including hard labor, cruel discipline, and isolation. Families were broke up by sale because of the slave trade and Americans buying slaves to work on their plantations. In September 22, 1862, Abraham Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, freeing all slaves of the Confederacy. Before this, it was against the law to teach enslaved persons to read. Also, southerners argued that slaves were "necessary to provide an adequate labor supply and was a positive good.

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