The INS estimated in 2000 that there were 7 million undocumented immigrants living in the United States. Of the 7 million 69% or 4.8 million were Mexican. (Copley News Service 2003).
The fourteenth amendment gives citizenship to any child born in the U.S. regardless of the status of the parents. (Cornell Law) This has caused many pregnant Mexican women to attempt a dangerous border crossing in the last few days of their pregnancy. This has proven dangerous, as many die each year in their attempts to cross deserts and rivers. .
Representative Brian Bilbray (R-California) has introduced draft legislation in an attempt to deny citizenship to children born to illegal aliens, although it has never come to a vote. (USBC 1999).
A special report from The Arizona Republic had these quotes from residents of Arizona. "They get our food on the table. They do a lot more than they take from society, and society is very hard on them, unnecessarily so." Says Valerie Baker, a partially disabled Phoenix, Arizona resident. "Historically, periods of highest immigration have also been the times of this country's greatest prosperity." According to Steve Burke, of Phoenix, Arizona. (The Arizona Republic 2001).
The same article put forth ideas that showed the opposing opinions. "They're taking away decent jobs and overcrowding this country. It would open up jobs for honest, taxpaying citizens like me if employers would stop hiring illegals," stated Arizona correctional officer Janssen Murphy. Public relations retiree Vic Steins said, "Because they're coming in with no restrictions, our population is growing by leaps and bounds. We should line our border with as many Ellis Island-type places as possible, sort 'em out and return the people who don't qualify." (Arizona Republic).
As one can see just from those residents of Arizona the beliefs for and against are certainly deep rooted. It is very hard for the two sides to reach any agreement.