communication games that maintain a non-critical atmosphere, .
buddy time for adults to process daily stresses, respite for .
parents in a support group, kids time with developmentally .
appropriate play, one-to-one led interaction between one .
parent and on child, fixed family lottery here every family .
wins once, serious family communication that includes topics .
like violence and substance abuse, then the closing routines .
and the FAST song. Benefits of FAST are that it builds bond, .
trust, and supportive networks. It also increases parent .
involvement with children at school and home, and increases .
resiliency in children and protective factors in families. .
In order to complete this project we would need a school to .
hold the FAST sessions, a sponsoring agency to provide .
funding, which is usually the school, or a grant from .
somewhere else if the sponsoring school cannot provide .
funding. We would also need a FAST program coordinator, who .
is usually chosen by the sponsoring agency, if one of us .
didn't or couldn't do it. We also need a collaborative .
FAST team that consists of four to ten individuals. The team .
must be comprised of a school representative, a parent, mental .
health professional, and substance abuse specialist. Our team .
then needs to go through FAST training that begins at least .
one month before the first FAST session and continues until .
one or two months after the last FAST session. We also need a .
site that has enough space to host 20 to 50 big and little .