style after rebelling against conventions. When Ibsen appeared on the literary .
screen, drama was almost non-existent in Norway. In his hands Norwegian .
drama developed which brought its founder international fame. "He became one .
of Europe's most influential figures both as a dramatist and an intellectual .
leader." Observes Brown. Ibsen experienced multiple shifts in dramatic mode .
and philosophy as he slowly came to terms with the intellectual, spiritual and .
emotional forces that were at war within his psyche. His plays are often .
characterized by rebellious spirit and unforgiving scrutiny of his own faults and .
virtues. .
Ibsen's works can be classified into three periods. His early dramatic .
works were historical and romantic plays and also consisted of some verses. .
The Pillars of society was Ibsen's first truly realistic play, whose title hinted .
sarcastically about the corruption and hypocrisy that had deep-rooted itself in .
the society. Ibsen's early works included two verse dramas: The first, Brand .
(1866; first produced in 1885), dramatized the tragedy of blind devotion to a .
false sense of duty; the second, Peer Gynt (1867), related, in allegorical terms, .
the adventures of a charming opportunist.
Ibsen's early plays were wild concentrating on visions both romantic and .
poetical of the rebel in search of the truth. In Brand, the revolt is against God, .
howling at heavens, like Prometheos, only to be punished eventually with a .
huge avalanche, which buries him alive. In Peer Gynt, the rebel is against.
society where a young man chooses to live a life of a waste, only to find himself, .
ultimately, living in a world of lost opportunities. But with The League of .
Youth, he began a modern phase where focus was directed towards the problems .
of a modern society. The play deals with social justice, political theories, and .
ideas of liberty. These plays created a stir which both fascinated and shocked .
the spectators.