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Workers in the Service Industry Should Be More Courteous


I feel that the large numbers of tourist who visit the Bahamas will drastically begin to decrease, and Bahamian job security will be gravely threatened. I also feel that Bahamians deserve good treatment, and if this is an example of the kind of service one could receive, this nation as a whole is likely to fall apart in time due to behaviors like that of the cashier and other similar behaviors.
             Severe negative economic impact that can result from poor attitudes will be seen in the tourism industry. It is a well known fact that the Bahamian Government has placed more than enough of its eggs in this basket, so its survival and success is crucial. However, problems can arise when tourists whose dollars are the backbone of the economy, are not pleased or are highly dissatisfied with the treatment they receive. .
             A clear example of this can be seen in the straw market. Bay Street is an extremely popular commercial center. It is there many tourists get a chance to relax, do some shopping, and just enjoy themselves. A common problem that can surface is if a tourist decides to go into the straw market. He/she is bombarded by many straw vendors, and rarely gets the chance to make a good choice because he/she has not been able to look around at all the merchandise properly. If a tourist decides to leave the market without purchasing an item from a straw vendor, he/she may receive rude remarks or nasty stares from the straw vendors. .
             The straw vendors are trying to do their jobs and make a living, and thankfully most of them do not act this way, but sometimes the hostility, though not intended, is given off. What many vendors fail to realize or remember, is that this type of behavior can have a serious effect on the economy. It only takes one dissatisfied tourist to spread the word. He/she is not likely to recommend others to visit, or to return. This scenario however, is only looking at one tourist, but one would be scared to imagine the possibilities of this situation occurring on a much wider scale .

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