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Violence and Sexuality in the Media


Doesn't that seem a little backwards to you? .
             Besides the Jerry Springer show something as simple as the evening news can be just as violent and disturbing. Greenspan sites this study done at the University of Oklahoma, .
             "More than half of the 101 news professionals questioned said they would rather air tape including a gunshot and death than no footage at all." *.
             This is our news stations? A network committed to informing the public of important news and relevant topics; a network that claims to have no bias towards any race, sex, or religion? How about ethics and morals, do they count anymore? Most news stations air their local news at around 5 or 6 o"clock in the afternoon when parents are getting home from work. The family sits down to a nice dinner at the table and flips on the evening news only to hear about the president of the United States cheating on his wife. Or better yet, maybe they"ll hear about a father raping and killing his own daughter. What has our media come to you may ask, and how does this affect the children of today.
             Greenspan's article displays cumulative effect theory clearly, nobody can escape the media or its messages! It also shows blame shifting or magic bullet theory by placing the blame of violence in society on today's television. If children are constantly surrounded by this material will it not affect them eventually? The teen pregnancy rate in America has risen every year since 1976 and has just now started to decline within the last couple years. Do you think that could have something to do with the rise of sexual content on television programming during the early 90's? I think so! .
             MTV launched a reality show called "The Real World" a couple of years ago about 7 strangers placed in a house with constant video surveillance of their everyday lives. Here is a direct quote taken from a conversation by one college-age girl to another housemate on the show, .

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