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Life Strategies for Teens by Jay Mcgraw


(7) Life is managed; It is not cured. Keep it in gear, no coasting. (8) We teach people how to treat us. Don't be a doormat. (9) There is power in forgiveness. Your "get out of jail free" card. (10) You have to name it before you can claim it. I know what I want, and I want it now! I learned that you are not going to get those things or anything else you think you want if you don't learn how this world works. Those ten Life Law, which right now might be very pointless, however in fact they will help control the outcome of every single aspect of life. The following are the ten Loser Laws of Life: (1) You just make it up as you go along. There are no rules you can live by. (2) It's written in the stars. For $4.95 per minute you can hear about your future. (3) The devil made you do it. How to ignore the things that really make you tick. (4) Denial really is a river, in Egypt. How to avoid change by avoiding your problems. (5) Be patient; Life will eventually deliver. How to look out the window and hope it comes your way. (6) Life is what it is. How to accept what you don't want. (7) Get it right once and you are hoe free. How to coast from the top of the hill. (8) People are what they are. How to accept crummy relationships. (9) Get even through grudges. You are just mad and there is nothing anybody can do about it. (10) Live lucky. How to sit on the chore and hope your ship comes in. I learned you must stop living the Loser Laws and start living the real Laws of Life. These law will teach you how to be successful in the world. If you ignore them and stumble along, wondering why you never seem to succeed, you will cheat yourself out of everything you deserve. Successful life is nearly impossible if you have no knowledge pf these Life Laws. You one must take the time to learn them, adapt to them, mold your choices and behavior to them, and you will consistently become more and more successful.

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