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Disregarding this advice will naturally change the marketing required for the condominiums because the market will have been shifted, albeit in a minor way, to focus on a slightly different group of potential customers. It could be assumed that this is either a harder market to penetrate, or is less likely to provide the quantity of customers required or Farley would have made different recommendations. Even though each customer is entitled to modify their condominium as long as they cover any extra costs, there is no possibility of changing the dimensions of the condominiums. Hodgkins may therefore find it difficult to achieve the level of sales that is required due to a lack of demand for the type of condominiums she has designed.
             Another problem with the design process is the length of time required to make alterations to the condominiums. This would have been an acceptable problem had the issue been addressed at the time of sale. Instead Hodgkins took the option of hoping that customers would not modify their condominiums much and would settle for the original designs. This was a curious choice for Hodgkins to have made because the target market for the condominiums was that of relatively wealthy couples who would either be looking for a second home, or to move back to the city and live in relative comfort. This segment of the market is traditionally extremely particular about details and so would be expected to make changes to the condominium in order that it is exactly as desired. This was an oversight on Hodgkins" behalf that put the general contractor in a difficult position with regards to schedules and budgets. Each time major changes were required the process of designing these changes would take several weeks so that quotes could be gathered and the price of the changes could be agreed upon. If the issue had been addressed earlier then a proper framework could have been set up with adequate and fixed deadlines that would cause little or no problems to the general contractor and allow the changes to be made before critical areas of the condominiums were constructed.

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