If this is the case than the parents should encourage their children to play sports or join some sort of club. This will help the kids to .
interact better with other children and it will help the children get a better grasp of reality. .
Children today spend on average 28 hours a week watching television, which is twice the amount of time they spend in school (Jensen). This just shows us that children aren't being exposed to other ways to have fun. When I was growing up I couldn't stand being inside. From the moment I woke up I wanted to be outside playing with my friends. When mom rang the dinner bell I would come in and eat as fast as I could so I could go right back outside and get in as much time playing before the street lights came on. Today kids don't think the way we did when we were young. I learned the importance of being out with my friends from my parents because when they were young the TV wasn't a major part of their lives. In 1950 only 10% of American homes had a television and by 1960 the percentage had grown to 90% and today 99% of households have a television, and 54% of children have a television in their bedrooms (Neifert). This tells us that we find it easier to plop our kids in front of the TV for a few hours rather than keep an eye on them while they are outside. Children also spend a lot of time playing video and computer games. During the last several decades, electronic interactive games have emerged as one of the most popular forms of entertainment, particularly among youths and adolescents. In 1998, revenues totaled $6.3 billion in the United States. Ninety percent (90%) of U.S. households with children have owned a computer or video game, and young people spend an average of 30 minutes per day playing these games (Quittner). Violence sells and as long as game makers and movie directors know this then they will keep producing violent products. .
Today there are plenty examples of violent movies and games.