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Tale of Two Cities


            In A Tale of Two Cities, Dickens first portrays Ernest Defarge as a helpful revolutionary who evolves into a sympathetic character and tried to limit his wife's bloodthirsty desires.
             Ernest Defarge is first portrayed as a caring man. For example he took Dr Manette into his house after the storming of the Bastille. There Mr. Defarge cared for Dr. Manette by sheltering, clothing, and feeding him. The Quote I choose for this example was when Mr. Jarvis Lorry told Miss Lucie Manette that her long lost father was indeed alive; " "But he has been-been found. He is alive. Greatly changed, it is too probable; almost a wreck, it is possible; though we will hope for the best. Still, alive. Your father has been taken to the house of an old servant in Paris." " The servant mentioned in the last quote was Mr. Ernest Defarge. Throughout the story Ernest Defarge changes his opinion and switches between what he believes in. Though it is very obvious that he believes and supports the French Revolution, it is also shown that he wants the killing to stop. When Lucie was wedded to Charles Darnay, who is an Evermonde, the Manettes are now included on a list of people to execute. Since Mr. Defarge saved Dr. Manette for the Bastille, he would hate to see him and his family die. It's almost like he has a so-called "soft spot," for Dr. Manette and his family. In the end it is obvious to see that he is disagreeing with his wife and doesn't want anything to happen to the Manettes.
             As you can tell Ernest Defarge was a kind but at the same time was married to a hard-core revolutionary. Ernest Defarge's wife, Therese Defarge wanted anyone and everyone connected to the Evermonde Family to die. Everyone surrounding him was a revolutionary and with that pressure I"m sure Mr. Defarge was challenged. It is obvious to see this challenge in these quotes; "My name is Defarge, and I keep a wine-shop in the Quarter Saint Antoine. Possibly you have heard of me.

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