Sam P.
Band Hall with it's musky stale smell, it's .
bright light pouring through the abundance of small, square windows and a quiet serene .
feeling, a person gets engages the thoughts of being in a church.
Walking into the entrance of the band hall could be one of the most memorable .
experiences for a person because the smell protruding from the building is something to .
never be forgotten. The smell, which is musky and stale, is something a person can almost .
taste. The smell brings to mind the thought of an old abandoned building that has been .
sitting and rotting away for ages.
The appearance mesmerizes in the band hall as if walking into an arena. Walking into .
the arena could almost stun a person because the abundance of white light pouring out over .
everything in the room. The bright light discharges from every angle of the building .
however, when a person looks up they notice the light flooding in from an indefinite number .
of small square sized windows.
The last but most dramatic sensation a person gets from the band hall would be the .
serene feeling that encompasses the whole body. There is such serenity to the band hall that .
is not usually associated with a college building. The serenity brings to mind the feeling of .
being in an old large church without a soul in sight.
With the sensations provoked so by the musky stale smell, the streaming brilliant .
light, and the quiet serene feeling one gets from entering the Sam P. Jones jr. Band Hall, this .
could almost be related to a highly memorable religious experience.