My report is about two Greek goddesses.
Aphrodite, goddess of romantic love had .
on there would be candlelit dinners, high .
heeled shoes, and bright red lipstick. Romance .
was there and planning to stay. Aphrodite was .
the daughter of titan Uranus. Shen was .
Married to Zeus" son Hephaestus, god of the .
Forge. Overjoyed with his good fortune in .
Receiving this stunning bride he did the best to .
Please Aphrodite. He designed the most .
Beautiful jewelry and furniture for her. He even .
Made her a magical golden girdle that made .
Her irresistible to men when she wore .
It. Aphrodite felt she had married below her .
Class. She was known for her numerous loves .
Affairs which varied with mortals and other .
Gods and resulted in many offspring. .
Aphrodite's most notable lovers were the gods .
Ares, Dionysus, Hermes, posidian, and the .
Mortal Adonis. Her most famous son was Eros, .
God of love. A talented archer whose job was to .
Shoot arrows dipped in Aphrodite's love .
Potion. Hitting her unwitting victims causing .
Them to fall madly in love with the next .
Person they saw. Aphrodite brought them hope .
And the awareness of the transforming power .
Of love and beauty.
Now I will talk about Persephone.
According to Greek mythology Persephone UN .
wittingly attracted the attention of the Greek .
God Hades, brother of Zeus and ruler of the .
Underworld. After asking for and receiving .
Her father's approval for Persephone's hand in .
Marriage Hades simply abducted her one day .
When she stooped to pluck a narcissus from a .
Field of wildflowers near her house. Her .
Mother Demeter had heard Persephone's .
Screams when Hades grabbed her. She began an .
Intensive search for Persephone. After learning .
How Zeus had betrayed there daughter Demeter .
Demonstrated her outrage by with holding her .
Blessing from the earth until Persephone was .
Returned to her. Zeus finally relented and sent .
The god Hermes to bring the young goddess .
Back to her mother. Part of Persephone missed .