Suicide threats and attempts may occur along the way, which can cause the end of his/her life. People With BPD exhibit impulsive behaviors, such as excessive spending, binge eating and risky sex. BPD often occurs together with other psychiatric problems, particularly bipolar disorder, depression, anxiety disorders, substance abuse, and other personality disorders.
BPD is a common disorder running as high as 10-14% of the general population. In women BPD is three times greater for that in men, which can be due to genetic or hormonal influences. An association between this disorder and severe cases premenstrual tension can also be a factor. Women commonly suffer from depression more often than men and the increased frequency of borderline disorders among women may also be a consequence of the greater incidence of incestuous experiences during their childhood. This is believed to occur ten times more often in women than in men, with estimates running to up to one fourth of all women. This chronic or periodic victimization and sometimes reutilization can later result in impaired relationships and mistrust of men and excessive preoccupation with sexuality, sexual promiscuity, inhibitions, deep-seated depression and a seriously damaged self-image. There may be an innate predisposition to this disorder in some people. Because of this there may ensue subsequent failures in development in any relationship between family and children during any separation like mentioned previously. But even though the vast of this Disorder might seem complicated there are treatments out there for BPD patients.
Treatments For BPD has improved in recent years. Groups and individual treatments of psychotherapy are effective but only on for some patient. This particular treatment allows the patient to talk about both present and past experiences in the presence of an empathetic, and non-judgmental therapist. Within the past 15 years there has been some new research in different and new psychosocial treatment such as, Dialectical behavior therapy also known as DBT which was developed specifically to treat BPD patients.