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Friends Forever


Traveling hundreds of thousands miles together in school bus without air conditioning in the heat of Texas, exploring, sharing different fast foods, music, rap, culture, social interaction, cyber-interaction and tennis rackets, premium branded jeans and sweaters created the "Bobsy Twins- analogous to a reverse fusion of Siamese twins
             Voluntarily spending long hot grueling summers together in uncomfortable and sometimes dirty tennis academies far away from other friends and family further tested and solidified this bond. Their literacy was founded on the original values created by the older and senior members of the their team when they were highly impressionable freshman. They saw and adopted what they believed to be necessary to survive their plight as freshman in a hostile and competitive environment. They learnt what made them happy, what helped win and what did not work for them. They learnt to high five and low five to keep their momentum and spirit during the long and sometimes painful hours on court. They learnt that they needed to overcome their physical size disadvantage using mental techniques to out-psych their opponents. Most important they learnt the sheer power of their teamwork, a duo in tandem and perfect harmony. They used this power to beat older and more experienced players to earn the respect and attention they believed they deserved. They once, as freshman handed their college senior doubles team a sound beating in what was a landmark grudge match. They robbed these seniors of the opportunity to ever go to compete at State. Physically they were completely overwhelmed, mentally they started out intimidated but they used their teamwork, resolve and effective literacy to overcome these giants. A literacy, which allowed them to outwit, unnerve their opponents. Hand signals, co-ordination and annoying tactics, which infuriated and perplexed their opponents. Their opponents had their arsenal but they lack a fundamental and sound literacy to effectively use under severe pressure.

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