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The Chrysantemums by John Steinbeck


            The frustration is evidens when Elisa is furst introduced.Her figure is described "blocked and havy" bacouse she is wearing havy gloves,havy shoes and man's hat.Her home was well cleaned with ahard polished window .Elisa was bored with her husband and with her life.Her chrysantemums a great deal to her.This symbolic sence makes clear to the reader tha she wants more from life than just being a gardener.
             The tinker is a very important figure in this story and represent the kind of life that elisa would like to live.We could see how their life is different he lives his life on the road,he could do whatever he wont ,he free and happy of his life.When Elisa talk to him she fill her self more feminine.Travel man represent for her a world of adventure and freedom.She rushes to take a shower and scrubed her selfvery hard as tough she is getting rid of her old shy self.later she says:"ai am strong ,i never knew before how strong " she fills like a renewed women.
             The moment when she sees her flower dumped on the road ,she feels rejectedand emotionaly deflated.The symbolic of this factor is elisa's crashing hope .in a final attempt to break her shakels,she ask her husband if any woman go to the prizefights.her frustration with the male-dominated sosiaty couses for libioration and to become wath sociaty expect her to be just passive woman.The story ends on this sour note with elisa crying like an old woman .Her frustration becomes evident that she will always be in her garden.Nothing in the future to her.She fill her self destroyed and hopeless.

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