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Violence Does Not Solve Anything


Is that coincidence or do those people have, you know, like a racial commitment to crime?- (Derek, American History X) associates all blacks as criminals while only a third of them are. The protagonists are driven to violence towards those they dislike by stereotypes and assumptions. .
             Brothers Danny and Derek come from a low-middle class family. Although their family is not poor and living on the streets, their small apartment signifies the fact that they do not have money to spare. Danny and Derek share a room, as do their two sisters, while their mother sleeps on the couch. With this kind of lifestyle, it is very easy to feel sympathetic towards Danny and Dave. Since the audience does not get much of an idea of other skinheads' backgrounds it's hard to feel compassionate for the protagonists as a whole. .
             I do not believe that a sense of empathy for the neo-Nazis is a good thing. They may take minor facts and blow them way out of proportion. A major scene in American History X takes place in a grocery store in which the skinheads attack their so-called enemies. Right before they do this though, Derek addresses the group:.
             We're here tonight cause we got immigration problems spiraling out of control. We got Asians up the ass.taking over our land with their fucking Yen. Mexicans.flocking into this place like some giant fucking Piñata was shattered. Don't laugh. It's tragic. On the Statue of Liberty it says Give me your tired, your hungry, your poor, your huddled masses.yearning to be free. It does not say give me your shiftless, your greedy, your indolent, your criminals, looking for a free ticket. We're here tonight to show the government how we feel about minorities taking over our country. The treat us like criminals while they reward them with jobs and fucking welfare checks. And it's only getting worse. (American History X).
             This pep talk of such intense emotion got the group ready to go in the store and brutally attack workers and shoppers.

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