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S. citizens as well as distract them from the horrific casualties at the same time. .
             According to the U.S Department of Commerce, between the years of 1995 and 1999, the total expenses of the top ten advertising agencies increased from 7.4 to 9.25 trillion dollars, (Miller 272). With this being just a five year period, it is obvious to see that advertising in the United States experienced a rise of 25%, or 5% each year. Total U.S advertising expenditures for 1995 through 2000 are shown in table 1, (Miller 272). After studying the numbers for each year, one can easily realize how stable these companies have remained over the years in our recent history. Before September 11, the advertising industry was rapidly becoming more successful. If the terrorist attacks had never occurred, then how prosperous would our marketing world be right now? This data illustrates that agencies would still be very much thriving.
             In the year of 1999, our nation's financial system was booming. Calculated in the total amount of dollars spent on ads, according to 2002 edition of Advertising Age, a few of the top brands were AT&T telephone services, MCI WorldCom telephone services, Ford cars and trucks, and Chevrolet General Motors parent company, (Miller 275). This proves that the communication that automotives and telecommunications provide is essential to the U.S citizens" happiness. With this in mind, one can determine that the years to come should eventually be good ones for the advertising agencies. Why? Because after the terrorist attacks, family values will be more appreciated and embraced. Keeping in touch .
             with loved ones will become increasingly popular. The acts of traveling and using the telephone to converse with family members will soon be on the rise. But is this new way of living for all Americans guaranteed?.
             According to Stuart Elliott of The New York Times, the advertising business will experience revitalization.

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