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Art Therapy


             € Unusually small-feelings of inferiority, timidness, insecurity, ineffectiveness, inhibition and depressive behavior under stress.
             They were both different through their pencil pressure and their organization and symmetry and also colors. Here are the charts showing the dimensions with their interpretations:.
             Foster Child Normal Child.
             € Lower edge on base- Need for support, lack of self-confidence.
             € Variable Pencil Pressure-flexible, adaptive person.
             € Distant-Inaccessibility desire to with draw.
             € Brown- Sensuousness, security, fixations, rigidity, in touch with nature € Heavy Pencil Pressure-Sign of tension, high energy level, forcefulness, and possible acting out tendencies.
             € Lacks Symmetry-Insecurity, poor impulse control, unbalanced self-concept.
             € Purple-inner emotional and affective stimulation, internalization of effect, bold exterior, need to control or possess.
             Working with these children I was able to see that these have somewhat of a true meaning. The background of the foster child is that his home has been broken. He has two younger sisters in which one is adopted through another family, now with a younger brother that was currently born. He only sees his parents maybe every two weeks or so. His parents have been doing some therapy I believe so they can get there son and daughter back. He sees them more often now and will return to be back with his "real family". Seeing him, in the beginning, go to visits, when he would return to daycare he would be down in the dumps and somewhat depressed. Knowing who his real parents are and not being able to be with them was one of the hardest things for him. He kept more to his self then he usually does. Since he is use to going and just visiting them he doesnt get as upset as he did in the beginning. Being a foster child he is very friendly but at times he just feels insecure and wants that love he gets from his foster parents from his real parents.

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