e. fertilisation, and since all human life should be equally protected by the law from conception to natural death, whether or not human being concerned is wanted or handicapped it follows that destruction of unborn life is always wrong.".
According to the UK Pro-Life Campaign after conception a foetus is a living thing and its right to life should not be taken away by anyone, especially by its mother.
In Favour:.
The groups that are in favour of abortion are mostly humanitarian groups that have their own point of view, according to the National Abortion Campaign:.
"The decision to terminate pregnancy is so important that it can only be made by the person most involved- the women. Women must always have a choice and never have the decision forced upon them. Free abortion facilities should on the NHS for every woman who needs them. We believe that the right of women to control their own fertility is a fundamental human right. Women will not be able to take a full and equal part in the society when we can all decide for ourselves whether and when to have children.".
The National Abortion Campaign advocates the basic right of women to control their own fertility; they say that women have a full right to chose when they want to have children. .
Humanist Dipper, a book produced by the British Humanist Association, supports abortion by suggesting that: .
"Humanist regards abortion better than bringing unwanted into the world. It is a mistake to say that Humanists are in favour of abortion; no one can be in favour of abortion, which, except in unforeseen circumstances, is result of failed contraception. We think there will probably always be a certain number unplanned pregnancies and that the mother concerned should have the complete choice of either complete abortion, or keeping the baby.".
To use a metaphor, if someone's family was starving and there was an unattended lorry filled with food outside their house.