The book is written by William Golding. It is about a group of English boys who were .
evacuated from England during the second world war. Their plane crashed on an .
island. All the adults were killed but the children survived.
The island was like a paradise: sandbeaches, a tropical rainforest and fruit trees. The .
only source of a possible worry were the wild boars. It was sunny and warm and the .
children didn't have to worry about clothes and immediate shelter.
The island was uninhabited so the children could neither get help from local .
inhabitants nor face any conflicts with them. They could begin from scratch and form .
their own small society with their own rules. .
In the begining the children were a bit lost and confused but not at all terrified. Under .
the perfect natural conditions it may seem that a perfect society would be formed.
Unfortunately this was not the case. The children were different. They had different .
ideas (if they had any) of what was right and wrong.
Two of the boys Ralph and Jack had the characteristics of a leader and competed to get .
the other children on their side. Ralph found a shell and used it to gather the other boys .
to a meeting. Another boy named Piggy, who was fat but very smart always gave him .
good advice. Ralph who had the characteristics of a natural leader was chosen by the .
boys to be their leader. Jack then became Ralph's enemy. Ralph tried to be a good and .
democratic leader. He wanted them to make laws so that they could live in a civilized .
way. Jack on the other hand was like a dictator. He forced the children to obey him by .
violence and threats.
In the begining the children followed Ralph but gradually they turned against him and .
joined Jack. They became wilder and wilder. They painted their faces and hunted .
boars. They engaged in primitive rituals like dancing around a head of a boar. The .
children obeyed Jack in everything without questioning. They even killed two of their .