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The availability of abortion makes it possible for people not only to choose the number of children they want, but also to create the kind of family life they have always wanted for themselves, to meet their responsibilities.
             If a women cannot choose to terminate an unwanted pregnancy, she is denied the right to the possession and control of her own body. One of the most sacred rights of common law is that of choice and if a woman is unable to choose, her most important possession is taken away. Abortion is not only a woman's right, it is a woman's choice.
             However, allowing abortion to be legal is immoral. A pre-born child is given the status of a product of pregnancy and never seen as the miracle only a woman can create. Compassion for the small one is drowned out under a demand for rights, but the rights of the unborn is often left unconsidered. More and more women realise that they have the right to their own body, but the idea of that ignores the unborn child's right to his or hers.
             The embryo is its own being that should have its own rights to protect itself. A fertilised egg is the most beautiful, most innocent being that man could ever create, and can redeem even the worst of man's mistakes. This fertilised egg is not just a mass of tissue, for if it were then there would be no debate. A fetus feels pain. Ultra sound, fetoscopy, study of the fetus have demonstrated the remarkable responsiveness of the human fetus to pain, touch and sound. The fetus responds to light, heat, cold, and taste. Observations of the fetal movements in saline abortions indicates that the fetus experiences discomfort as it dies.
             In another case, a film using new sonographic techniques, shows the outline of the child in the womb thrashing to resist the suction device before it tears off the head. Then one can see the child die and the head crushed. This is murder. Nobody who sees this film will speak again of painless abortion.

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