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            America sought independence from Great Britain for many years. In 1776 after much interference from England, the Boston Massacre, the Boston Tea Party, and many other obstacles, they received their freedom. Those causes resulted in new government, new constitutions, and an independent nation. .
             Many people do not know the causes of the American Revolution. The biggest cause of the American Revolution started with the French and Indian War. In this war, Great Britain went into much debt. To fix this problem, what they did was pass taxes onto the American colonies which the people were very unhappy with. One example of this tax was on Tea. Many people have heard of the Boston Tea Party but do not really know what it was all about. Because the people were angry with the Tea Act (putting taxes on tea), in 1773, angry Bostonians stormed onto British ships that were in the Boston Harbor. These ships carried cargos of tea on them. As a sign of protest against the Tea Act, they dumped all the tea into the harbor. Prior to the Boston Tea Party, in 1770, was the Boston Massacre. A mob stood outside the state house, angry that the British soldiers were in the colonies. The Quartering Act stated that the colonists had to provide barracks and other supplies to these soldiers even if they did not want to. They were also angry at the taxes that were being imposed on them. The mob started to throw "snow bricks" when a British soldier was said to have been hit, and his gun went off accidentally. As a result, the British troops began to fire, killing five people that night. The soldiers went to trial, but the harshest punishment any of them got was being branded on the thumb, while others were acquitted. This obviously upset the colonists. Trade restrictions were brought on as a result of Colonialism by England. American colonies could not export any goods to make money. Great Britain took the American goods and sold it to other countries to make a profit for themselves.