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Should the United States continue to its Embargo on Cuba


Castro spent millions of dollars in exporting revolutions and in support of the Soviet Government. Cuban also forces played a key role in Ethiopia's war against Somalia where they maintained a large garrison force for a decade. In addition, Cuba served in a non-combat advisory role in Mozambique and the Congo. In exchange, they used the Congo as a logistical support center for Cuba's Angola mission. .
             Cuba scaled down its ambitious foreign policy and global military presence and reevaluated its purpose due to economic hardship at the end of the Cold War. The U.S. policy with Cuba has long been about isolating the island by maintaining and even strengthening the economic sanctions. This policy has been in place for more than four decades and it has been an embarrassing failure (Enrique A. Baloyra).
             Over the years, Cuba attempts to promote opposition to U.S. foreign policy, challenging the U.S. trade embargo and the 1996 Liberated Act. Cuba focus is to find new sources of trade, aid, and foreign investment. Cuba has developed relations with over 160 countries and has civilian assistance workers principally medical in more than 20 nations (CUBA).
             Nevertheless, the political climate in Cuba has been challenge by the fall of the Berlin Wall (November 1989) and disintegration of the Soviet Union (Summer 1991). These dramatic events have led to frequent predictions about the imminent collapse of the Castro regime. Scholars and qualified analysts agree that the regime is facing its worst crisis ever and will not escape it unscathed. The historic revolutionary leadership must innovate considerably more than it has ever been willing to concede in the past (Enrique A. Baloyra).
             Many have argued that the U.S. policy towards Cuba has been an embarrassing Failure. The U.S. policy of containment and punishment brought suffering and hardship to the Cuban people for more than a four decades. In the initial years of the embargo, humanitarian programs helped ease the negative effects on health and physical well being on the Cuban people.

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