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Always Best Connected Concept


             2.1. Best for whom?.
             ABC encompasses a vision which may be defined differently by different players. Interpretations and viewpoints will vary as function of the interest' of the player. Some of the definitions of ABC include the following, each of which is still quite loose, being open to very different interpretations:.
             "To choose the best available access and device and to change when something better becomes available-.
             "To adapt the service to the current access and to choose access according to the service- (a recursive definition).
             "ABC is about always using the best communication environment (access, terminal, application)-.
             The definition of criteria for better' and best' will be expected normally to be different for the users, network providers, service and application providers, and will be so even within any individual category of player. For instance differences will arise as a function of individual viewpoints about the underlying assumptions, and technical or socioeconomic issues related to the connectivity options.
             A basic assumption for ABC environment is that a multiple single-access network environment at least exists and the user can gain access to at least two of them. Even in such a minimalist situation, the criteria, factors, players and processes involved in making the access decision is crucial to the understanding of best'/'better' in each circumstance. For the application of the ABC concept in future networks this is probably its first and simplest level. ANWIRE partners are generally agreed that in 4G networks greater and greater levels of dynamic adaptability and reconfiguarablity of user access are to be implemented and enabled. This complexity is further multiplied if user devices/terminals are empowered to have simultaneous multiple connections (SMC) in multiple multi-access network environments (MMANEs) using simultaneous multiple single-access connection terminals (SMuSACT) or, with greater complexity, simultaneous multiple multi-access connections terminals (SMuMACT).

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